Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Myth About Hades, the God of the Underworld

Image : http://www.flickr.com

In Greek mythology, when the people died, they went to the Underworld, which was ruled by Hades, the god of the Underworld. Hades was the son Cronus and Rhea. He was also the brother of Zeus and Poseidon. He was married to Persephone.

Hades was a merciless god, and all humans and gods were afraid of him. He did not accept any prayers or praises that were given to him. Even when sacrifices were made for him by the humans, he did not accept them. Hades owned a helmet presented to him by Cyclops and this helmet had the power to make him invisible. He was the only Olympian god who did not live on Mount Olympus.

The most famous myth about Hades is his kidnapping of Persephone. According to ancient Greek mythology, Hades kidnaps Persephone, while she is playing in the garden, as she was promised to him by Zeus. Demeter, the goddess of fertility and agriculture and Persephone's mother, spent nine days and nine nights looking for her. During this period, she refused to do her work and the Earth became devoid of crops and flowers. Finally seeing the plight on Earth, Zeus persuaded Hades to allow Persephone to return to her mother. However, since Persephone had eaten a pomegranate offered by Hades, she had to spend 4 months in a year in the Underworld. It is believed that when Persephone spends time in the Underworld, Demeter gets sad and stops working. This marks the onset of winter, while when her daughter returns, she is happy and this marks the onset of spring.

It is believed that Persephone played an important role in changing Hades' attitude towards humans. He later became known Pluto, a giver of wealth, and blessed those who prayed to him by giving them grain and his blessings.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

The Coming New World Order

Image : http://www.flickr.com

It's just a conspiracy theory, right? The yearning for a single world government can be traced all the way back to the Tower of Babel. If you believe in the Bible as I do, you know God wasn't to happy about that little gathering. The secret societies that have been used to foster this ongoing goal can be traced back to Babylon, Egypt, Greek and Gnostic cults, the Knights Templar, Rosicrucians, Freemasons, and the Illuminati.

The Order of Illuminati was a group formed from within the Freemasons in 1776 by a Jesuit taught man by the name of Adam Weishaupt. It's goal was also the creation of a new world order but the group was suppressed by the Bavarian government for allegedly plotting to overthrow all of the kings in Europe including the Pope! The Order was carried on by Geoseppe Messini of Italy and Albert Pike of South Carolina who was a 33rd degree Mason. This group would spur on others such as the Bildeberg Group, Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission, Club of Rome, the U.N and many more.

The Bildeberg Group, the hub of these organizations, had its first meeting in 1954. It is an unofficial, invitation only, annual gathering of people of global influence in the fields of business, banking, and politics. It has also recently been represented by many global corporations such as IBM, Xerox, Shell, Nokia, and Daimler.

The Trilateral Commission was the brainchild of David Rockefeller, then the Chairman of Foreign Relations, in a 1972 meeting of the Bildeberg Group. It was created to foster closer cooperation between America, Europe, and Japan. Founding members also included Alan Greenspan and Paul Volker who would later become heads of the Federal Reserve. In 1975 the commission presented "An Outline for Remaking World Trade and Finance."

If it's starting to sound like the same group of people running around in the same groups, you're right. Add to this group the majority of present and past cabinet members of the U.S government and you come up with a pretty powerful list of people all pushing for the same thing. These people want to level the global economic and political playing field to finally usher in their long awaited "new world order" which you see printed on the back of your dollar. George H. W. Bush stated in a State of the Union message in 1991, "What is at stake is more than one small country; it is a big idea-a new world order..." In 1991, David Rockefeller in a speech to the Bilderberg Society in Baden Baden, Germany said: "We are grateful to the Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to arch towards a world government."

The European Union was founded with a treaty signing in Rome in 1957. It would become the cornerstone of a three bloc strategy to unite the world into this single political-economic entity with the North American Free Trade Agreement, (NAFTA), as the second bloc and APEC, (Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation), being the third. We're already seeing the merge between the North American bloc and the E.U. as reported by World Net Daily which stated that the U.S. and the E.U. are working on a seven year plan to merge the two economies into the "Transatlantic Common Market" by 2015. These three blocs will be one before you know it and the mark of this beast will be right there waiting.

This little plot thickened recently when World Net Daily also reported that some of the wealthiest people in the world met secretly in New York. As reported by The London Times, they were called together by Bill Gates and included David Rockefeller, Ted Turner, Oprah Winfrey, Warren Buffett, George Soros, and Michael Bloomberg just weeks after the recent Bildeberg meeting in Greece. They agreed at this meeting, for all of us, to cap the human population at 8.3 billion people. This apparently, will be the seating capacity for the new world order. Faced with the daily onslaught of "global" terrorism, "global" war, "global" trade, a "global" economic collapse, and even "global" climate change, the forces that be are herding mankind into a "global" crisis which I'm sure they'll have all the "global" answers for.

The Bible clearly states that every one of these conditions will exist all at the same time in history for the final days of this Earth age. It will culminate in a single political-economic world government described as a beast rising from the sea in Revelation 13:1. Apparently they're so close to closing the deal that it's even in the open now, to the point that World Net Daily recently ran the headline - Kissinger: Obama Primed to Create New World Order. It is only a conspiracy theory though, right?.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

How to Become a Millionaire - Here's 3 Ways

Image : http://www.flickr.com

It's something that we all dream about and chances are if you had one wish you'd ask to be a millionaire right? But how can you become a millionaire is there some special knack or insider secret or is it just down to luck?

As I see it there are only really three ways to become a millionaire the first is to win the lottery now if you're a person that likes to gamble this may seem a perfectly logical way for you to make a million the only flaw in your plan are the odds of winning, they are impossibly stacked against you. You stand more chance of marrying into money than actually winning it.

The Second way you can become a millionaire is to steal it. Conning or robbing people is not a very honourable way to build a fortune not to mention the dangers involved with criminal activities, not least the threat of spending time behind bars and losing all your ill gotten gains. Like disgraced businessman Bernard Madoff who pleaded guilty to the largest investment fraud ever committed estimated at 65Billion Dollars.

The Third way you can get wealthy is probably the hardest but ultimately the most ethical and most satisfying, it can be broken down into two separate fields so want to know how to become a millionaire? Yes well here goes...

In this world ordinary people are not rewarded for their skills. However, if you are extraordinary or have a rare highly sought after skill, you can be paid very very well think of top sportsmen or actors both have sensational but rare talents, not everyone can do what they do right?

The other way is to become an entrepreneur, forget about working for someone else you will never become a millionaire while working for a boss. The time to make it as an entrepreneur is now and the best way to be successful is to help people by solving their problems. If you can provide services or information that can solve people's problems whether they be emotional, physical, or financial you can make money.

Think of The Hilton's they solve problems by providing luxury accommodation for holidaying people. Or British Airways solving the problem of faster transatlantic travel, or even Bill Gates who solved computer compatibility problems with his now legendary windows operating system just think where we would be now without it, would you be even reading this?

So there you have it the real secret to being a millionaire is to be extraordinary and try to solve people's problems and with the power of the Internet you can do this now easier than ever I hope you have enjoyed this article and you know have a better idea of how to become a millionaire.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Dancing with the Officers (Disney Magic)

Dancing with the Officers, Stacey dancing with Ian in the Crew Talent Show aboard the Disney Magic on the Transatlantic Cruise westbound (18 Aug to 1 Sep 2007). 28th August 2007

Office space rental

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Six-Star Cruising on Luxury Cruise Lines

Image : http://www.flickr.com

A luxury cruise is just what the name implies, a cruise at the upper end of the spectrum, not just five stars but a six-star cruise. There are six cruise lines that are in the luxury class: Crystal Cruise Line, Cunard Cruise Line, Radisson Seven Seas, The Yachts of Seabourn, Silversea Cruise Line, and Windstar Cruises.

Crystal Cruise Line has received numerous awards for excellence. For the last nine years, Conde Nast Traveler has named Crystal "Best Large-Ship Cruise Line". Also for the last nine years, Travel + Leisure magazine has given Crystal the status of "World's Best Large-Ship Cruise Line". And for service, a Travel + Leisure reader's poll voted Crystal "World's Best". Crystal Cruise Line operates only three ships: Crystal Harmony, Crystal Symphony and Crystal Serenity. These ships carry approximately 1,000 passengers each and Crystal Cruise Line boasts the greatest passenger space per guest of any cruise line.

Do you recognize the ship names Queen Mary and Queen Elizabeth? These great ships come from Cunard, a name long synonymous with luxury and elegance in cruises. "With Cunard, the journey may be even more magnificent than the destination" states their promotional literature. Cunard operates just two award-winning luxury ships. The Queen Mary 2, launched in January, 2004, is known as the longest, tallest and largest ocean liner and carries 2,620 passengers. It is replacing the Queen Elizabeth 2 for transatlantic crossings but the QE2 will still be available for cruises.

Radisson Seven Seas is a small luxury cruise line. Small here means that the ships carry a small number of passengers. Fewer than 700 fortunate passengers per cruise are pampered by attentive staff. Radisson Seven Seas has been named by Conde Nast Traveler and Travel + Leisure magazines to be the "World's Best Small Cruise Line". Radisson Seven Seas appeals to the sophisticated traveler.

The Yachts of Seabourn cruise line advertises that they provide "Ultra Luxury" by "delivering the highest levels of personalized service to an exclusive group of guests aboard intimate, elegant ships that could visit the most enticing destinations worldwide." Seabourn sails three identical all-suite ships that cater to only 208 passengers each. Of course, dining and service is world-class.

Silversea Cruises is a new company, founded in 1994, for the express purpose of providing an ultra-luxury cruise experience aboard small and intimate ships with all the features of a large cruise vessel. The Silverseas ships Cloud, Wind, Shadow, and Whisper provide all-suite accommodations that between 250 square feet and over 1,300 square feet in size. Silversea vies with Radisson Seven Seas and Crystal Cruise Lines for the accolades of Conde Nast Traveler and Travel + Leisure in the world's best categories. Silversea Cruises has also has been named by Conde Nast Traveler and Travel + Leisure magazines to be the "World's Best Small Cruise Line" many times since its inception.

Windstar Cruises offers a totally different sailing experience. Windstar Cruises offers motor-sail-yachts instead of cruise ships. Yes, their ships actually have sails that are computer-controlled with the latest in technology. Windstar's four ships carry just 148 to 308 passengers in staterooms or luxurious suites, giving the feel of being aboard a personal yacht. Even with such a small fleet, Windstar Cruises sail to over 47 countries around the world.

If you're in the market for a luxury cruise, there are a number of excellent cruise lines to chose from.

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Wednesday, June 16, 2010

10 Things You Should Be Monitoring on Your Website

Image : http://www.flickr.com

Every business needs to know how it is doing. That's the idea behind exit surveys, customer feedback forms, suggestion boxes and other devices. Without feedback from the customer, monitoring inventory, expenses, revenue and other benchmarks, a business can take a quick slide down a slippery slope, without the owner ever seeing it coming - or being able to stop the slide.

Webmasters also have things they should be monitoring on their websites. Most of these can be classified as traffic related or server performance related. Here is my top ten list.

Traffic totals. You want to know how much traffic you are generating. If the line on the graph is heading down, you know you have to find out why.

Referrers. It's not enough just to know how many visitors you are getting. You need to know where they are coming from. I discovered I was getting a lot of visitors from a Thanksgiving site. They were all being funneled into my Thanksgiving Happiness article. Suddenly I knew I should get more links from other Thanksgiving sites. Valuable information.

Searches. Much to my surprise, my happiness site started getting a ridiculous number of hits from the search for "hairdressers". It just so happens I wrote a humor column on a hairdresser experience. I was surprised to see it getting so much traffic for such a generic, competitive search term. If that had been a term of a little more relevance for me, this information would have lead me to properly optimize the page and get even more traffic.

Pages viewed per visit. If people visit only one page per visit, you have some work to convince them to visit more pages, like those that make you money.

Pages visited. So you threw up on your site something cool as an add-on. How were you to know that other webmasters would link to it and send a whole bunch of traffic your way? Well, now you know, so add some copy to the page to pull visitors into the rest of your site.

Forms. Are they all functioning? A good website monitoring service can keep tabs on them for you. The last thing you want is to have lost hundreds or thousands of subscribers because a sign-up form stopped functioning

Shopping carts. Slow and complicated shopping carts are responsible for an estimated $25 billion in lost sales. Make sure yours is functioning properly. A good website monitoring service can watch this for you, too.

Download speed. Clear your cache and test your pages. Hmm. Maybe those images are a bit large. Time to compress them, or even remove some. Remember that some people are on a much slower connection than you are. I use a satellite connection sometimes, but when I don't, my connection speed is 28K.

Server speed. Are there problems with server speed? Maybe not where you are, but on the other side of the world. Global website monitoring can alert you to a transatlantic connection problem, so you can take it up with your web hosting service.

Server accessibility. All the web hosts promise 99% accessibility. But is that for real? Who monitors them? By one estimate, 75% of inaccessibility is not on the hosting server, but rather on the Internet's backbone network and in global routing. A global website monitoring service can help identify the problem, so that you can work with your web hosting company to resolve it before too many sales are lost.

Fun. If you are not having fun, audition for that drummer position in the local band. There is no point spending your life doing something that bores you. Webmastering should be fun.

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Monday, June 14, 2010

Ocean Village Two - 2008 - Part 03

Transatlantic Caribbean Cruise - Ocean Village Two, now relocating to Australia and renamed to Pacific Jewel. Two weeks around the caribbean then across the atlantic to Madeira then onto Palma. Not true HD, Upscaled from mini dv.

Helicopter rentals Office space rental Basement remodeling plans

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Famous Or Nearly Famous account of Wayne

Independence of the Seas cruise ship TV featuring famous author Wayne Paulo being interviewed for the Morning Show during a Transatlantic crossing, enrichment lecturer Wayne talks about his autobiography book Nearly Famous.

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Friday, June 11, 2010

Bermuda Port 3

Third port on our transatlantic cruise aboard the Celebrity Constellation

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Thursday, June 10, 2010

Revel in Wild Alaskan Paradise by Land and by Sea

Image : http://www.flickr.com

One vacation that is just about unbeatable in the good ole US of A is Alaska. Few people realize that Alaska is larger than Texas, California, and Montana put together. It has a longer coastline than all other states combined. And it is the least populated state. Plenty of room to roam.

The terrain is quite varied, including active volcanoes, lush valleys, three million lakes, and over 16,000 square miles of glacier. Some of the larger wildlife includes black bears, grizzlies, Polar bears and Kodiaks on Kodiak Island. There are also caribou, moose, Dall sheep, bison, and mountain goats.

If you do a Land and Sea cruise, you'll enjoy the best of both water and land. First of all, you're cruising the deep blue waters off Alaska in a massive ocean liner featuring beautiful accommodations, great shows, incredible food any hour of the day or night, and countless other cruise attractions.

But it's what's going on around you off the boat that will have you gaping on deck or gazing out your cabin window at all hours. You may catch a glimpse of orcas or humpback whales surfacing or spouting 1000 yards off the starboard bow, sea lions basking on jagged rocks, purple glaciers towering above you, and other sea life at spontaneous moments.

Then there are on-shore excursions at historic cities such as Ketchican, Sitka, and Juneau. But perhaps most thrilling of all are the trips through any of 18 national parks, two of the most famous of which are Glacier Bay and Denali. Author, George Miller, writes about one trip to Denali that had his eyes popping. The party ate lunch at Polychrome Pass, 800 feet above the Tolkat River. They looked down on hillsides carpeted in blazing shades of orange, rust, and crimson. Small groups of caribou grazed on the slopes. Then they glimpsed Denali, a 20,320-foot peak that looms over the Alaska Range, a mile higher than any surrounding mountains and higher than any mountain in the U.S. They passed Reflection Pond and Wonder Lake, glimpsing the peaks shimmering in the pure waters. A moose waded into the lake for a drink, and a 400-pound grizzly and her cubs marched across the road in front of them, delicately nibbling blueberries off a limb she held in a paw.

Let me quote Miller's picturesque prose: "The snow-covered peaks of the Alaska Range crowd the horizon like mantled giants standing shoulder to shoulder. Glaciers hang on their shoulders, patiently waiting for the next ice age when they can once again advance and carve new landscapes."

Don't tell me all this doesn't make you want to explore one of the last untamed regions of America. Get on your horse and let's go.

Helicopter rentals

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

What is Expanded Awareness?

Image : http://www.flickr.com

Through the NLP technique of expanded awareness, we can take in more information from the world around u, both in terms of what is observed from a rational conscious state as well as from subjective experiences. It enables you to sense more than your five senses allow, giving you something of a sixth sense to perceive what is occurring around you.

Expanded awareness is said to have been practiced by Samurai warriors who were required to notice an enemy coming from beyond in what could be sensed in a normal state of awareness.

Other than that, I find expanded awareness extremely useful in NLP training and coaching. It allows me to take in more information from the client in coaching as well as the ability to notice what is going on in an entire room of people.

Also you can induce a state of relaxation or trance in yourself, or others if you guide them towards a state of expanded awareness. I find it extremely useful to do on transatlantic flights, which I like to do from an altered state so I can zone out, or play with my own brain. After all, how can you NOT use NLP in moments when you are trying to preserve your sanity? You may as well put your brain to some good use, even in economy class!

Learning how to practice this technique is easy and fun once you get the hang of it. Please see my article entitled "Expanded Awareness Technique in NLP" to learn how you can try out yourself.

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